Three possible configurations...

The new Force Sensing Handles for Gorbel’s G-Force product line offer versatility in ergonomic lifting. Compared to standard slide handles, which use displacement of the handle to initiate upward or downward motion, the new design senses force applied without any handle motion. This creates a versatile option for tooling, or elongated handles that perfectly serve applications with a wide range of motion.

In-Line Configuration:

Best used when high pick and place points require hand-over-hand lifting or to eliminate the need to bend over to reach into deep bins or containers. Standard lengths of 24″ and 36″, or custom lengths available.

Remote Mount Configuration:

Provides the ability to remote mount a 24” or 36” Force Sensing Handle to a tooling frame.


Ideal for applications when the operator needs to control up/down motion by applying force to any point on the handle bars, or other control fixtures attached at the hub.

It’s the solution that provides the most flexibility for custom tooling solutions by allowing a wide range of handle bars to be mounted to the hub. The hub can also be mounted anywhere on the custom tooling frame.



General Brochure (PDF) 19.00 Mo

Interested in the Force Sensing Handle ?

Talk to us about your project and we will evaluate with you the best solution to fit your needs.

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